banded coral shrimp

Scientific name Stenopus Hispidus
Descriptor Olivier
Year of description 1811
IUCN category (World) NE
Family Stenopodidae
Genus Stenopus
Stenopus Hispidus Stenopus Hispidus


Stenopus Hispidus, commonly known as banded coral shrimp, is a fresh water crustacea.

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Who is it?


  • Average size
    7 cm
  • Maximum size
    9 cm
  • Longevity
    3 year
  • Average size
    7 cm
  • Maximum size
    9 cm
  • Longevity
    3 year

How to recognize the banded coral shrimp ?

The banded coral shrimp measures between 7 and 9 cm.

Of elongated form, like all the shrimps, it has 5 pairs of legs and a segmented carapace at the level of the abdomen which ends in a tail in fan cut for swimming.

This species belongs to the "long arm shrimp" group because its second pair of claws is of imposing size. These appendages are used mainly to defend themselves, but also to catch food.

Behaviour & Life cycle

  • Sociability
    living as a couple or alone
  • territorial
  • Venomous
  • Way of living

Like all crustaceans, The banded coral shrimp molts whenever it becomes cramped in its shell. Before the hardening of its new body, it is more vulnerable and spends a good part of its time hidden. This mechanism, very complex, allows the periodic renewal of the exoskeleton and part of the internal skeleton. It is also during the moult that the females become fertile.

The banded coral shrimp is a crustacea living as a couple or alone. This species is scavenger .

Although the banded coral shrimp is non-territorial, it is sometimes aggressive towards other species. In a constant quest for dominance, the dominant males of this species cannot stand each other. The battle between two individuals can be intense and violent. It will result in the submission and sometimes even death of one of the protagonists.

The banded coral shrimpis not a very good swimmer, especially when it reaches adulthood. It moves mainly with the help of its legs.

The banded coral shrimp has a tendency to dig the ground and bury itself in caves to take refuge.


  • Migratory species

Harmless species

This species does not represent any particular threats to humans when encountered in its natural environment.

Where to find it?

Where to see this species?

What is its habitat?

Natural environment characteristics

  • Temperature
    24 - 28 °C
  • pH (acidity)
    8 - 8.2
  • gh (hardness)
    1020 - 1025

Biotope presentation

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