Dario dario

Scientific name Dario dario
Descriptor Hamilton
Year of description 1822
IUCN category (World) DD
Family Badidae
Genus Dario
Dario dario Dario dario


Dario dario is a little fresh water fish from the Asia.

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Who is it?


  • Average size
    1 cm
  • Maximum size
    2 cm
  • Longevity
    6 year
  • Average size
    1 cm
  • Maximum size
    2 cm
  • Longevity
    6 year

How to recognize Dario dario ?

Dario dario measures between 1 and 2 cm. Given its small size, this species is commonly referred to as a "dwarf" animal. This fish is bicolore with a predominantly rouge body.

Behaviour & Life cycle

  • diet
  • Sociability
    living as a couple
  • territorial
  • Way of living

Dario dario is a fish living as a couple naturally found at mid-depth and near the bottom. This species is carnivorous . Measuring only a few centimeters, this small species tends to be discreet and hide in the presence of larger neighbors.

This species is territorial and does not appreciate the presence of intruders nearby, especially animals with similar behavior. However, Dario dario has little concern for non-territorial animals.


  • Reproduction
    ovipare qui pond sur substrat découvert

Dario dario is a fish ovipare qui pond sur substrat découvert.

Harmless species

This species does not represent any particular threats to humans when encountered in its natural environment.

Where to find it?

What is its habitat?

Natural environment characteristics

  • Temperature
    22 - 26 °C
  • pH (acidity)
    6.5 - 7.5
  • gh (hardness)
    5 - 15
  • Flow
    Slow and Stagnant

Biotope presentation

This animal evolves in areas characterized by a strong presence of vegetation (aquatic and marsh plants, decaying organic matter, roots...).

Species of the same biotope

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Sources & Contributions

Participation & Validation

The Fishipedia team and specialist contributors are committed to providing high-quality content. However, although the information comes from scientific sources or testimonials from specialists, the cards may contain inaccuracies.

Robert Allgayer

Robert Allgayer

Benoit Chartrer

Benoit Chartrer


Translation done with the valuable contribution of our translators, who make this information available to a wider audience. We sincerely thank them for their commitment.

In collaboration with : Fédération Française Aquariophilie

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Template and content © Fishipedia - Unauthorized reproduction without prior request - ISSN 2270-7247 - Last modification 14/11/2023

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